Introducing Our Newest Experience...

  • June 17, 2024

  • June 19, 2024

We are so excited to introduce to you the newest wildlife rehabilitation centre AEI has partnered with. This is a partnership years in the making. It takes us 2-3 years of research, correspondence, site visits and planning for each program. We need to make sure it's safe (for solo women travellers, young adventures, senior volunteers and everything in between), their ethics line up with ours (both in the humane welfare/treatment of animals and the ethical treatment of employees), and the placements are real (they are accredited and have partnerships with conservation groups, sanctuary alliances and of course keep and share their release records).

In November Nora went down to Malawi to visit the wildlife rehab centre and after two weeks of volunteering she gave it the final thumbs up. We have been working since then on details to make this experience a reality for you! 

Malawi is the principle hub for wildlife trafficking in Southern Africa. Wild animals in the region are threatened by this illegal wildlife activity as well as the bushmeat trade, deforestation and other conflicts with people. This organization aims to protect wildlife, provide care for rescued wild animals and empower the guardians of the wild. More than 200 animals are in care at this wildlife centre, with the goal of returning as many as possible back to the wild each year.

What will you do when you volunteer? 

Volunteers provide care for all the animals at the centre. Volunteers help by preparing meals for the animals, feeding the animals, creating environmental and behavioural enrichments for the animals and helping with cleaning tasks. Working hours are completely dependent on the animals currently at the centre and on the level of care they need. Ideally shifts are from 8am to 5pm with a break for lunch. But during orphan season, baby feedings can take place late at night or early in the morning. These feedings are split up between volunteers, but please be aware that there may be some long days or even some night shifts.

Basically you will be an animal hero to baboons, monkeys, servals, owls, antelope, hyenas, alligators and more!

So what are you waiting for? Apply today to take part in the wildlife rehabilitation of some of the most iconic animals in southern Africa.  

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