We plant trees with Ecologi

Your next vacation will change your life.

People like you, from all walks of life and from every country, are seeking animal-related experiences as volunteers. We are here to make sure you have a safe and rewarding journey.

Wild horse conservation in Mongolia.

Help monitor the wild horses of Mongolia...

Dog rescue in Mexico.

Street dogs and cats are a worldwide problem.

Bat conservation in Australia.

Bats play a vital role in maintaining the health of our ecosystems.

Wildlife medicine short course in Guatemala.

Welcome to a program where passion meets purpose

Dog rescue in Spain.

Galgos (Spanish greyhounds) have been integral to hunting

Wildlife rescue in Guatemala.

Founded with a clear and urgent mission in mind,

Wildlife rehabilitation in Australia.

Located in the heart of Western Australia, our wildlife

Dolphin conservation in Croatia.

Join us in an urgent, rewarding mission: helping

Wildlife rescue in Malawi.

Southeast Africa captivates with its rich tapestry of wildlife

Sea turtle conservation in Costa Rica.

Dive into an unforgettable adventure along the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica

Shark conservation in South Africa.

Dive into an extraordinary journey where you play a pivotal role

Dog rescue in Kenya.

Kenya may be renowned for its wildlife

Elephant rescue in Thailand.

Thailand’s elephant population is declining due to habitat loss

Wildlife rescue in Thailand.

Wild animals in Thailand are experiencing pressures

Dog rescue in Nepal.

In the streets of Nepal, countless dogs find themselves without homes

Tortoise conservation in Galapagos.

The Galapagos Tortoise Conservation program is driven by

Sea turtle nest monitoring in Galapagos.

Sea turtles are integral to marine ecosystems, facilitating nutrient

Expedition: Mongolia.

Join us in the summer of 2025 on an adventure to the Mongolian steppe! 5-15 June 2025

Horse rescue in Spain.

Nestled in the scenic Costa Blanca region of Spain, this equine rescue centre shines as a beacon of hope.

About Us

Safe, ethical, and authentic volunteering curated by travel and animal experts.

Are you ready to transform your life while helping animals around the world? AEI empowers animal lovers, students, professionals, and adventure seekers to travel and make a difference by volunteering with animals. Our exceptional experiences are safe, ethical, and unforgettable. Join our team of international volunteers and explore the world while doing what you love. It doesn’t matter who you are; we will help you make a difference.

Learn More









Live your dreams. Travel the world. Volunteer with animals.

Leave the planning to us! We book your airport pickup, comfortable accommodations, meals, safe volunteer activities, insurance, airport drop-off, and more. We also keep in contact with you the entire time! It’s an all-inclusive trip, but you happen to be saving animals. You may be travelling to the placement solo, but once you get there, you will be on a team of animal-loving staff and fellow volunteers. Since our placements accept volunteers all year, solo travel packages are perfect for those who are looking to have an adventure on their schedule.

Want to travel with us? Once a year, we personally lead a group trip to one of our placements. We take part in animal welfare and conservation activities, but there are always some extras! Pottery in a UNESCO World Heritage Site, sunrises in the Mayan jungle, beach sunsets overlooking the Aegean Sea, night safaris, archery on the steppe- and more! Don’t want to travel with us but also don’t want to go alone? We love setting up group trips for you and your friends, family, co-workers, classmates or anyone you want to have on an adventure with you!

How do you want to travel?

All of our experiences follow a Consent-Based Tourism model, where participants consent to all interactions. The communities are consenting hosts, the animals are not chained or forced to interact with volunteers, and the volunteers have correct and realistic expectations of their roles in the community. We help people volunteer around the world while ensuring the local community maintains their safety, financial security, and autonomy. We help animals without exploiting individuals or populations. We help you stay safe and comfortable by making sure you are prepared and ready to change your life.

Book Now

Fun adventures.

Get up, get out, and volunteer internationally! AEI experiences let you meet new people who love animals and travel adventures as much as you do.

Serious education.

Change your life while you change the lives of others. Are you looking for personal or professional development?

Ethical experiences.

We are a B Corp, which means no matter where you go you will be benefiting the community, the environment, and yourself.

How to change your life.

Pick an experience and apply.

Meet and talk online with our volunteer coordinator.

Pay your fees to officially book and confirm your trip.

Read our personally written travel manuals.

I loved all of it! My favorite part was when a sea turtle was caught, and getting to measure it, tag it, etc., to help the biologist monitor the turtle. I also really enjoyed learning about the turtles from the biologist! It was also fun to see different aspects of sea turtle conservation such as recycling and mangrove reforestation.



My favorite part was getting to know the bats. Each one has a different personality, and it’s great to learn about those nuances. Especially when I was able to recognize certain bats, and they touched my heart. I must have 800 photos just of bats.



Getting to hand feed and walk the elephants in an environment that the elephants were happy in, clearly well cared for, and where their well-being appeared to be the number one priority.



The trip was incredible. I learned so much and connected with the Galgos in a way I didn’t expect. Everyone was so nice. I feel like I’m just getting over jet lag. Thank you for helping me with setting up this trip!



I loved learning about the animals and each specific story as to why they were at the sanctuary. I loved how the centre took the time to explain why animals exploited in tourism were in our hands and that we could stop it just by not participating in it. I absolutely loved my time at the wildlife centre and I would recommend this experience to everyone. I am extremely grateful for this experience!



I loved learning about the animal and each specific story to why they were at the sanctuary. I loved how the Przewalski’s horses centre took the time to explain why animals exploited in tourism was in our hands and we could stop it just by not participating in it. I absolutely loved my time at the wildlife centre and I would recommend this experience to everyone. I am extremely grateful for this experience!


Puerto Rico

Amazing company, cannot wait to plan another international experience with you guys! My favourite part of my experience would have to be being able to work alongside other amazing volunteers and helping the injured/orphaned wildlife. It was incredible to see how different Australia’s wildlife species are.



This trip was absolutely incredible and life-changing and has taught me so much.



Being able to volunteer with dolphins was a dream. The gelato was also a highlight.



There is something so special about volunteering with all these horses. Living on the finca really meant we healed together. I can’t wait until I can come back.



Thank you so much for helping me volunteer with sharks. This was a dream come true and I couldn’t have done it without AEI. I appreciate how quick Nora is to answer all my questions, it meant a lot.

